This is too biased for-docs IMHO*. I do agree with many points, documentation IS amazing, and you are very likely under-documenting things in your company. But documentation is not cheap to create, and specially it's not cheap to maintain. If you are not writing enough yes, sure, that's probably a great investment, but start bit by bit.
I've worked in multiple* companies where the problem was too much documentation, and of course everyone was afraid to update or ghasps* remove any piece of old documentation in case it was still useful. Imagine working on a codebase where 80% of the code was unused or commented out but no one dared changing it just in case (flashback to 2010 with 4000 lines of style.css).
I'd suggest to take a more holistic approach and treat documentation a lot like testing; for that prototype, probably just write the barebones documentation, for the production-ready new feature go all-in and write detailed documentation, tutorials, etc.
If you do want to go deeper with documentation, then you'll need a dedicated team (like a team of testers) that work exclusively on documentation. At some point it does make sense to hire only for that, and it can even be a differentiating point for your startup if done correctly.
For libraries, a ratio I've seen works pretty well is approx 1:3:5 for lines of code:tests:docs; you can do tests first, or even documentation first, but once everything is finished and if you count the amount of lines that's a decent ratio. Note that when counting "lines of docs" in an editor, a whole paragraph will count as just 1, so in reality there's a lot more docs.
Note: I'm the creator of both and
* (only 2 "negative" paragraphs on a book-length article)
I really like the way documentation works in Rust: You basically write markdown in a special type of comment over the module, function, datatype or method you wanna document and then you can convert that into documentation automatically.
Even better: if you have examples in code blocks in these docstrings per default they get tested as well, so if you don't update them, the tests will fail and you will notice.
In my eyes one of the biggest problems with keeping documentation up to date is that over time the mapping between the piece of code you are documenting and the place where you find it in the documentation becomes more complex, to a point where missing something is not unlikely. Rust's documentation-in-code-approach addresses this problem neatly.
If you write tests in a strongly typed, non-turing complete markup (in this case, StrictYAML), you can then use it with a template and test artefacts (e.g. app screenshots) to generate readable how-to/tutorial docs which are guaranteed to stay up to date.
This isn't a new idea, but I find that people are often skeptical because there's a history of people getting their fingers burned by Gherkin's language design or YAML's weak typing (both of which are completely valid).