> I'm not sure who invented [fenced code blocks], but I definitely know that it is widely used because GitHub Flavored Markdown made it so and I am grateful for that.
I’m pretty sure Vicent Martí (@vmg) was the originator of them. I remember we spent a number of weeks internally at GitHub debating the syntax, since no one really fell in love with any of the proposals for various reasons. Eventually the triple tick won out and that’s worked out fairly well, I think.
Man I hate those ticks. I have no idea what arcane key combination on my keyboard I need to do to get them. Maybe it's easier on a US keyboard.
It’s very easy on the US keyboard: the key for ticks is under the escape key, no shift needed, just hit this single key.
I’m German myself, but I use the US keyboard layout for more than 15 years now, because it is so much easier to type things like this... especially in tech. (And also keys for [, ], { and } are much better placed in the US layout)
Do most Germans use QWERTZ?
Yes, most people learn and use QWERTZ. In your typical electronics store, you will only find QWERTZ keyboards and notebooks. If you want QWERTY, you have only one option, you have to buy it on the internet. But even on the internet the typical Logitech keyboard for example is hard to find in US-QWERTY in Germany/Europe, because most merchants don‘t have them on stock. In the past, I‘ve even imported US keyboards from the US, because they were and are hard to find here.
It gets even more difficult for notebooks: Any notebook you can buy here in Germany has QWERTZ. Want a notebook with US layout, because you are a developer? Your only options are BTO options from Apple or Lenovo. But even there, you have to be cautious: Dell for example will sell you „English“ keyboard layout notebooks as BTO option, but you won‘t get the real US layout (with a wide return and wide left shift key), but some kind of „International English“ ISO layout with a tall return key and a short left shift key... Lenovo has an „English“ option and thankfully you will get a keyboard layout that really resembles the US layout (but with an Euro key).
Only Apple really gives you „US“ as BTO option, and you really get the real US layout. Funny story, I wrote an e-mail to Apple, over ten years ago, when they didn‘t have US layouts as BTO option in Germany... I think it changed something, because one or two years later, Apple changed it, and you will get real US layouts ever since on their online store.
No need to import from the US, in your friendly western neighbor (Netherlands) US qwerty keyboards are the default.
Also, when I lived in France, it was a matter of a phonecall to Dell to get a US qwerty keyboard instead of azerty. No problem at all. I think a colleague asked for an 'English' keyboard and got a UK qwerty, that's the only thing to be wary of.
Really? So it‘s real US and not some kind of ISO English?
Yeah, I‘ve seen that Dell for example sells US BTO options in the Netherlands, but in the past (when I considered an XPS 13), dell.nl didn‘t ship to Germany. But obviously the times have changed, and it‘s much easier today to get US keyboards than 10 or 20 years ago.
As far as I know Dutch keyboards have your basic US layout plus the € sign as a third glyph printed on the [% / 5] key. I've bought my US layout DasKeyboards from a German retailer online though.
Real Dutch keyboard layouts never took off unlike what happened in France and Germany. We're not that dependant on our diacritic characters (although I am a stickler for correct usage).
Personally, I prefer the standard US layout, because I use more than one language. For Dutch („éë耔), English (“—”), and German („ßöüä”) the compose key does everything I need and more. For Japanese there is a dedicated IME (Anthy).
On Windows, I use WinCompose[1], which works decently well.
[1] https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose (Trivia: WinCompose was originally written in AutoHotkey!)