First, the readme is simply hilarious!

Jokes asides, the concept underlying this project is actually interesting. It wouldn't be bad at all if programming languages were localizable.

I think it would help many if it was possible to choose the (human) language in which to use a programming language. Ideally, the same source code could be viewed in different languages depending on the preferred idiom of the developer.

> It wouldn't be bad at all if programming languages were localizable.

It wouldn't be bad indeed, it would be terrible.

I wouldn't be against some IDE add-ons allowing you to see the keywords in your language if you wish, but the underlying names should stay in english. And the function names as well. Otherwise:

- you duplicate the documentation effort, which is already a burden;

- you make googling things extra hard

- people will use their language features, which means non ascii chars. Good luck typing "La leçon du père noël à l'école de la forêt" with something else than my french keyboard.

- IT is nothing but thousands of conventions glued together. And names are a hell of a shortcut to describe conventions. Break that and you destroy trust, reliability and productivity.

- you split the community. FOSS works so well because we can collaborate so well: we have one rosetta stone that lets us do so. Is has a basic alphabet, few rules, and is quite easy to learn.

I'm a french Python dev, and Python 3 does allow you to write variables names with french accents. I would never do that, and really hope nobody ever does.

I almost entirely agree, though I think your third point (typing non-ascii characters) could be less severe with one extra lesson in the typing course most kids are forced to take. When I first took French in 7th grade somehow I learned online you could enter ascii codes (whatever those were) on Windows with alt+numpad, and I still have memorized that alt+130 gives é. Later I moved to Linux where we have a great Compose key system, so I can just type + e + ' and get é, + c + , to get ç, and so on, with mapped to whatever I like (currently right-alt). Supposedly (haven't tried it) this system now has a Windows port:

Asian languages are harder. But if you're told about IME, then at least if you know what you want to type, how to actually type it isn't a big burden. IME can also help with rarer math symbols like ⋂ (\bigcap) ≅ (\cong) or ⊵ (\unrhd), or is another way to get something like the compose key system.