I would rather see innovative tools that lessen our dependency on 50+ year old tech. This is still a glorified teletype. It uses AI to autosuggest git commands? Contrast with Magit[1], which (while it has a tiny bit of a learning curve, but also nowhere near 23M in funding) actually makes interacting with git a pleasure.

[1]: https://magit.vc

Er, how exactly does a tool that runs inside Emacs lessen our dependency on 50+ year old tech? Ok, Emacs is not quite 50 years old yet (first release 1976), but it's no spring chicken either...

True, and I'd personally rather move away from Emacs to something more modern. (Helix is great, although I appreciate the irony of it being terminal-only, while Emacs supports several different window systems natively.) Magit is the only real reason I'm sticking with Emacs.

Magit itself is powered by <https://github.com/magit/transient>, which I see more as an interaction paradigm than a library; it could enable more ergonomic interaction with other stateful tools that are typically native to the command line / terminal (such as docker/kubectl, systemctl, mpd/mpc, etc). Rather than using Emacs as a middle layer, Transient could build on top of pluggable native toolkit backends, such as Cocoa, Gtk, Win32, or even web or a terminal.

We continue investing into terminals because the terminal remains the lowest common denominator of interacting with a computer. On the other end of the spectrum we have Electron, which has very clear and obvious downsides. I think there is low-hanging fruit with amazing ROI somewhere in the middle, and Magit/Transient is an example of what it could be.