I've actually built a similar language directly inspired by this one. It's been left to sit for a long time due to some issues with the implementation and language itself.


I originally built it because I wanted an easier to integrate version into an IRC bot, the java implementation of Frink was hard to integrate safely (keep it from running too long, max memory usage, etc.) at the time and having a native perl version made handling a lot of that easier.

Language wise, the problems I ran into were that, at least in my implementation, it began to get very difficult to parse a lot of things unambiguously and I couldn't solve them without a larger redesign of the language. In particular handling arrays and making user defined types easier to use and make (you can emulate that right now with currying and closures to make function calls simpler). I never got it past that step because I didn't want to do a complete redesign of the language and break all compatibility, right now about 80% of all Frink programs will probably just work fine in Farnsworth, and 90% with some minor tweaks.

I have successfully used rink [1] as an IRC bot. To me it was "good enough", but YMMV.

[1] https://github.com/tiffany352/rink-rs/