100% of the functionality without hand movement. You can have the arrow keys directly under your fingertips at all times, same with numbers and special symbols.

And while I don't like this particular layout in the link I do have a very similar 42-key keyboard and after a couple days of practice it was the most natural and smoothest typing experience I've ever had.

Terrible for any one-handed use (e.g. gaming), though, and it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

What keyboard / layout do you use to get the arrow keys? I have a Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com/) and while the arrow keys are easily accessible, they require pressing a modifier.

This is fine and dandy for simple usage, but I happen to do do a bunch of more complicated stuff: ctrl + arrow to go to start/end of line, ctrl + alt for words, all of this + shift for selection. ctrl+shift+mod+arrow gets really tricky to operate for me, I haven't been able to reach a level of proficiency that was anywhere near equivalent to what I had without the modifier key.

I use the miryoku layout for this. There are other options that do this in similar ways, but I’ve found this one to meet all my needs. It was kind of designed around emacs, so modifier keys are well supported.
