I think the only real path forward is for somebody to create an open source "unaligned" version of GPT. Any corporate controlled AI is going to be nerfed to prevent it from doing things that its corporate master considers to not be in the interests of the corporation. In addition, most large corporations these days are ideological institutions so the last thing they want is an AI that undermines public belief in their ideology and they will intentionally program their own biases into the technology.

I don't think the primary concern is really liability although it is possible that they'd use that kind of language. The primary concern is likely GPT helping people start competitors or GPT influencing public opinion in ways either executives or a vocal portion of their employees strongly disagree with. A genuinely open "unaligned" AI would at least allow anybody who has the necessary computing power or a distributed peer to peer network of people who have the necessary computing power to run a powerful and 100% uncensored AI model. But of course this needs to be invented ASAP because the genie needs to be out of the bottle before politicians and government bureaucrats can get around to outlawing "unaligned" AI and protecting OpenAI as a monopoly.

Who has the necessary resources to run, let alone train the model?

How feasible would it be out crowdsource the training? I.e. thousands of individual macbooks training a small part of the model and contributing to the collective goal

https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals seems to have some capabilities in that area, at least for fine-tuning.