wtf. even the dedicated detectors don't work well.

This is what you get by hyping ChatGPT without making clear what it does, can do, and can not do.

I'm noticing an extremely strong trend of this. It's surprisingly common to see people on twitter use a ChatGPT screenshot as a "source" for statistics or facts that aren't correct.

Remember when people didn't trust Wikipedia? They actually taught us about references and primary sources. Then we all kind of forgot, or got lazy. Same thing with this, even if the bots list sources, we won't read them, we barely read what the bot says to begin with.

One of the possible outcomes of the current trends is that we may rediscover the need for a strongly curated knowledge base as a common reference of conversational truth. (E.g., a classic encyclopedia, advisably more than a single one.)

I'm wondering if something like the old Yahoo! will make a comeback. I remember how it was kinda difficult to get your site listed on there, since someone had to vet the link and add it to the site.

Honestly, I would love something like this. Sometimes I want to buy some sneakers, but all that comes up is Amazon and a bunch of trashy spam when I try to find something. Searching for things has become nearly impossible anymore.

What if you could just blacklist domains from your search?

Cut off a head, two more will take its place lets you do this anyway, it does help somewhat