Nonsense. F# has a better async story. Javascript is also good.

After dealing with F#'s Async in production, I'm not sure I'd prefer it to the TPL. There are plenty of performance and efficiency problems and the expressiveness is also a double edged sword (we found lots of programmers had issues getting a good intuition around evaluation vs definition time and even very experienced F# devs would get surprised).

Part of it is not necessarily the design F# took but that the TPL is incompatible enough that the mixing of TPL-centric .Net libraries becomes a problem. It might be wise for F# to support the TPL via computation expressions with something like `task { ... }` (there are a few implementations out there but a compiler supported state machine generator would be more ideal).

If I may, I'd like to invite you or someone on your team to read a couple of chapters of John Reppy's Concurrent Programming in ML and try Vesa's excellent delivery in

I'm not clear if you absolutely have to use TPL but CML is likely just a better model for tackling concurrency and Hopac is orders of magnitude more efficient than F#'s async.