Y'all should have a look at ewig which uses Immer - really fast persistent data structures for c++. Ewig is just a proof of concept, but the code is really nice. I have thought about taking that and building something bigger.

The upsides are the same as for a piece table (really simple undo/redo) but with the downside of not being able to just mmap a file. You also get basically zero memory usage when you do cut and paste (you can paste a file into itself until it is bigger than RAM without problems, since you are actually not copying the contents, just the pointer)

Look at the YouTube video as well. It is all very cool, at least if you are not already spoiled by using clojure :)


Edit: Forgot to mention: Ewig can be found among Immer's author Arximboldi's repos. On my phone right now on GPRS connection, so maybe another friendly soul can provide the link.