The main page doesn't do a great job of showing what's interesting about Grain vs. JavaScript. The only hint is this: "No runtime exceptions, ever. Every bit of Grain you write is thoroughly sifted for type errors, with no need for any type annotations."

Maybe show some examples of errors Grain would catch that JavaScript wouldn't, like Elm does:

I think the marketing page is not doing a great job. Grain is a language compiled to WebAssembly. So comparing it with either Javascript or Elm is pointless

> So comparing it with either Javascript or Elm is pointless

Why? They all target browsers. What else would you compare it to?

Like comparing to Rust compilation to WebAssembly for example?

Does Rust have any DOM integration?

Yes. For a while, you've been able to embed JavaScript wrappers using stdweb ( There are pre-built libraries covering much of the DOM. But you may need to submit PRs if you get heavily into or something else with non-standard APIs.

The shiny new toy is wasm-bindgen (, which will soon allow the use of WebIDL ( to wrap the entire browser API, if I understand correctly.

In practice, it all seems to work pretty well. But for public-facing sites, you need to watch the number of dependencies you include and keep the *.wasm size down.