As a developer, I often choose higher-level APIs not listed in that article.

On Windows, OSX and iOS the OS userland already implements general, and relatively easy to use, thread pools. On Windows, see CreateThreadpoolWork, WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks, etc. It’s easier to use threads with locks while someone else is managing these threads. On Apple, the pool is called “grand central dispatch” and does pretty much the same thing.

Modern Windows kernel supports interesting synchronization APIs like WaitOnAddress, WakeByAddressSingle which allow to implement locks without the complexity or performance overhead of maintaining special synchronization objects.

Linux kernel implements performant and scalable message queues, see mq_overview(7). And it has synchronization objects like eventfd() and pidfd_open() which allow to integrate locks or other things into poll/epoll based event loops.

GCD/libdispatch is a fantastic approach to concurrency and you can build and install support for non-Apple operating systems:

Here’s a simple echo server:

Here’s a simple multithreaded database pool: