I follow too many feeds. Getting all incoming posts in a single place is basically worthless for me. Maybe this is a good solution for someone who only follows a few blogs. You need to add categorization/tags and OPML if you want this to gain traction.

Looks okay, very little bloat, way too simple for me though. I'm interested in seeing where this goes in a few months.

FWIW, I subscribe to over 500 feeds and use a tool similar to this to read them. I average several thousand entries per day. Having them all in one combined UI that's lightning fast and entirely based on keyboard input (vi-style 'j', and 'k' to move through them) lets me fly through hundreds of entries at a time in just minutes. I've been using this since Google Reader shut down, experimented with a bunch of different approaches and by far, for me, having everything in one single stream and not having to navigate any kind of categorization is the most efficient way to follow as many feeds as I do.

Only halfway joking, I am (pleasantly) surprised to know there are 500 RSS feeds left in the world. I thought the format was on the way out, and I miss it.

Lots of X-to-RSS has popped up in recent years, and a good portion of websites still support it under the hood.

KilltheNewsletter[0] is a great email-to-RSS generator, for instance. And RSSBridge[1] has all sorts of x-to-RSS bridges available. There’s even a website[2] that allows you to turn public Telegram channels into RSS feeds.

[0] - https://kill-the-newsletter.com/

[1] - https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge

[2] - https://tg.i-c-a.su/