One very important thing I'd like to highlight: using one shared browser instance rather than N is not gonna make your apps that consume 1GB+ of memory suddenly consume much less than that, the problem for those apps is the code they run, it's not the language, it's not the platform, it's the badly written code, and Tauri doesn't change that.

This is a great point. I think last I measured a basic electron browser/webview is about ~20-36mb which is not far from an about:blank chrome tab. The 300mb+ memory usage you see is mostly the javascript from the apps themselves.

Either way, I'm glad more people are in the space!

According to Tauri's documentation ( minimal app:

                                    Tauri   Electron

    Memory Consumption Linux        180 MB  462 MB

Note Tauri is full fledged Client/Server with WebView (client) running in separate process with RPC between UI process and Rust code (Server).

For the comparison:

Standalone Sciter (scapp.exe, takes ~8 MB of RAM (with minimal Cairo and GDI backends).

That's 20 times less than even Tauri.

WebView based solutions are not suitable for applets - small portable desktop applications.