SwiftUI, RealityKit, ARKit, Xcode, Reality Composer Pro, Unity ... give me a break :)

These device specific environments and technologies are cumbersome to learn, will exclude everybody with a different device, usually change rapidly which makes code maintenance a nightmare and at some point simply die like flash.

I will start developing for 3D devices when we have a standard similar to HTML or when 3D elements are part of the HTML standard.

A text based way to describe how elements are positioned in space and what attributes they have. With JavaScript support for interaction.

Looks like there is "X3D":


At a first glance, it looks a bit like a 3D version of SVG? That could be a good starting point.

An open standard that is very capable (but cannot find if it can do streaming over http) is https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF

It still misses some important things in the area of shading and animation for full transfer of all qualities you find in a modern 3d creation app like Blender.