Also interested in folks doing this for their enterprise market and any available analysis on how to approach that market.

My perspective is Enterprise is hard to hit with SaaS. It's also hard to build an integrated (AD/Network/Data/Files) desktop solution. It still seems more viable to start with a standalone, offline, Desktop solution that individual enterprise employees might consider trying / e.g. something like an app that replaces excel with better efficiencies. Maybe while building some SaaS-like component (advanced processing in cloud, API integrations, etc) that still opens the door for non-enterprise users. Ultimately while building a portable/cots cloud based solution. Further letting you evaluate ways to pivot in either SaaS or COTs in the future.

Im still not confident that an MVP approach shouldn't just always accommodate seemless accessibility (SaaS) for a larger general market, and that I shouldn't discount enterprise requirements for non-corporate LAN user bases.

For reference I'm taking my shot with (webview2 supported on Windows) and for a PDF processing related use case.

Wails because I imagine extensive Golang based services (preference/experience) in any cloud env. .NET would be my other approach for O365 based integrations.

Rust has something similar to wails, . Then there all the traditional native vs cross-platform methods.

No approach, or cross platform framework, really seem quite right. But I figure time and money would be the important factors in any serious avenue I want to take things.