Blanket statements like this just show that people don’t understand why people stuck with a language.

I worked in C/C++ for a long time, though it’s been a while now. I just went to look at whether Rust had any bindings for MPI. It does - rsmpi. But they’re not fully implemented, and only support a restricted subset of MPI implementations which are pretty much the latest versions. Some others might work, but it is not explicitly tested against them. Without that, there’s a whole class of distributed applications that you’d be ill advised to write in Rust using that library, because it’s such a fundamentally core library for distributed applications, which needs to be compiled differently and with specific versions to handle the specialist interconnects on HPC systems. If you only support the latest versions, your code is not very portable to other machines.

Until rust catches up with some meaningful feature set that Qt provides starting a GUI project in rust is probably going to be painful.

Most GUI apps don't need what Qt provides though. They mostly need stability and cross-platform support, so ... they should start with something like Tauri or Sciter, and if there is something they need natively they will be in a much better situation to pick their poison. uses OS provided WebView uses Sciter