For those not familiar with Leiningen: it is a command-line tool that handles management of project settings, build settings, dependencies, deployments, debug console, packaging...and a whole bunch more. It is trivially extendable, and a large number of plugins already exist. If you're familiar with Ruby, it's the equivalent of the "rake", "gem", "rails", and "cap" commands all rolled into one. In short, in this programmer's opinion, Leiningen is reason enough on its own to go and learn Clojure!

I mostly hack in Python, but jballanc is not exaggerating when he says Leiningen is reason enough to learn Clojure.

It makes cabal and sbt look really bad. I would slaughter a goat for a Leiningen equivalent in Scala or Haskell.

Go has a solid enough ecosystem already that it isn't really needed.

I wonder just how hard it would be to take it and extend it for Scala. Just my musing 'cause I'm learning Ruby atm and plan on learning one of Prolog, Haskell, or Clojure next.

If you go with Clojure, you could cover learning logic programming using the core.logic ( library instead of Prolog.