Damn. Didn't think of that.

In fact I literally just renamed it: https://github.com/alexanderGugel/ied/commit/84628b3c871c85d...

Originally it was called mpm, but I figured that would have been pretty confusing, but it looks like the new name isn't necessarily better.

I'm pretty terrible at naming. Any suggestions are more than welcome!

I think it's fine as it is. Could have chosen a worse name for sure! And, managing dependencies is like dealing with explosives anyways...

> And, managing dependencies is like dealing with explosives anyways...

Only funny for anyone who hasn't been affected by one, or had friends or family who were. Still better to avoid names with negative connotations (and search for them first to check).

> Any suggestions are more than welcome!

A few ideas:

bpm - Better Package Manager

edge - the thing that connects nodes

jpm - Javascript Package Manager

ppm - Peer Package Manager

fpm - Functional Package Manager

ayp - All Your Packages

nnm - New Node Manager

As I said earlier, it wasn't my intention to name it after a weapon.

That being said, it's a three letter name. It's very unlikely NOT to run into naming conflicts here.

edge - taken by Microsoft

jpm - JPMorgan

ppm - taken by Perl package manager: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl_package_manager

fpm - taken by Effing package management: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm

bpm - beats per minute

ayp - terrible to type, although taken by "Adequate Yearly Progress": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adequate_Yearly_Progress

nnm - What happens when it's no longer new?

Just in Germany for example there are a ton of companies called ISIS (just google "ISIS GmbH"). Being offended by a three letter shell command seems a bit over the top to me to be honest.

Edit: I won't respond to further comments on the naming issue. It wasn't my intention to name it after a weapon. As I said earlier, I will change the name as soon as anyone proposes a better one.