Did I miss something or is there no Ubuntu or Debian installer?
I certainly know how to download a file and add it to my path (or put it in my personal bin directory) but sure would be nice to have a super simple installer.
LOL - please do not make a snap or whatever the hell the "cool kids" use. I certainly wouldn't want to advocate continued use of that pattern for utility functions.
You can always submit a PR that adds releases support for Debian or RPM packages or whatever format you like.
I might consider doing that next week, just realised I have no idea how a RPM is made, and I haven’t thought about making a Debian package in years.
Since this is written in Go, it's almost trivial to use fpm [1] to generate a variety of packages. Alternatively you can use nfpm [2] if you don't want to have to deal with installing Ruby & a gem.
[1]: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm [2]: https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm