The Guardian example was heavily used by MongoDB as a case study to pitch their database to others in 2011:

And reupping my previous, three-part series on MongoDB:

On MongoDB

NoSQL databases were the future. MongoDB was the database for "modern" web engineers and used by countless startups. What happened?

I think you're asking the wrong question. The question should be: How did MongoDB become so successful?

IMO, the reason is that newer developers faced the choice of learning SQL or learning to use something with a Javascript API. MongoDB was the natural choice because they excelled at being accessible to devs who were already familiar with Javascript and JSON.

Not only that, their marketing/outreach efforts were also aimed at younger developers. When was the last time you saw a Postgres rep at a college tech event?

> IMO, the reason is that newer developers faced the choice of learning SQL or learning to use something with a Javascript API.

The thing I dislike about this type of comment – although I now notice yours doesn't explicitly say this – is the implication that devs don't like SQL because they're lazy or stupid. Well, sometimes that is probably true! But there are some tasks where you need to build the query dynamically at run time, and for those tasks MongoDB's usual query API, or especially its aggregation pipeline API, are genuinely better than stitching together fragments of SQL in the form of text strings. Injection attacks and inserting commas (but not trailing commas) come to mind as obvious difficulties. For anyone not familiar, just look at how close to being a native Python API pymongo is:

    pipeline = [
        {"$unwind": "$tags"},
        {"$group": {"_id": "$tags", "count": {"$sum": 1}}},
        {"$sort": SON([("count", -1), ("_id", -1)])}
    result_cursor = db.things.aggregate(pipeline)
Of course you could write an SQL query that does this particular job and is probably clearer. But if you need to compose a bunch of operations arbitrarily at runtime then using dicts and lists like this is clearly better.

Of course pipelines like this will typically be slow as hell because arbitrary queries, by their nature, cannot take advantage of indices. But sometimes that's OK. We do this in one of our products and it works great.

With JSONB and replication enhancements, Postgres is close to wiping out all of MongoDB's advantages. I would love to see a more native-like API like Mongo's aggregation pipeline, even if it's just a wrapper for composing SQL strings. I think that would finish off the job.

Elixir's primary database wrapper, Ecto [0], lets you dynamically build queries at runtime, and also isn't an ORM. Here's two examples directly from the docs:

  # Query all rows in the "users" table, filtering for users whose age is > 18, and selecting their name
  |> where([u], u.age > 18)
  |> select([u],

  # Build a dynamic query fragment based on some parameters
  dynamic = false
  dynamic =
    if params["is_public"] do
      dynamic([p], p.is_public or ^dynamic)
  dynamic =
    if params["allow_reviewers"] do
      dynamic([p, a], a.reviewer == true or ^dynamic)
  from "posts", where: ^dynamic
Across all the different means of interacting with a database I have experience with (from full-fledged ORMs like ActiveRecord, to sprocs in ASP.NET), I've found that it offers the best compromise between providing an ergonomic abstraction over the database, and not hiding all of the nitty-gritty details you need to worry about in order to write performant queries or use database-specific features like triggers or window functions.

My main point, though, is that you don't need to reach for NoSQL if all you need is a way to compose queries without string interpolation.
