I'd just like to point out that while knowledge of OTP is a good thing for an Elixir developer, it isn't really needed for most application development. There are excellent libraries and frameworks that leverage OTP to provide a lot of value to their users, and most of us who use Elixir in industry just use those libraries.

Would you mind linking to a couple of them? I don't know anything about Elixir (but am very comfortable in a lot of other languages), and am interested in the kind of thing more experienced people are using with Elixir. Thanks!

For web applications, Phoenix is very popular: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix; it uses some OTP directly and its dependencies like the web-server Cowboy use it as well.

DB development usually uses Ecto: https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto, it has OTP servers for connection pooling and other tasks.

For managing background tasks I use Honeydew: https://github.com/koudelka/honeydew