Interesting post! We use a monorepo at Mito [1], it’s open source if you want to check it out [2].

We solved the test flakiness issue by getting rid of all of our frontend tests, which means we spend more time manually testing our product. We’re happy with the tradeoff because we like being forced to use our product. It’s something a velocity focused team can forget to do… at least something we can forget.

Merge races aren’t really a huge issue for us. They happen sometimes, we catch them, and we fix them. Putting thought into making them easier to fix isn’t something that makes sense at our scale.

That’s being said, we’re a tiny team of 3 first time founders - so the above choices make a lot more sense for in our context than at stripe :-)

A reminder that you need not design your systems how the big companies do! Read their informative blog posts, and then design them for your goals and constraints! There’s a whole world of solutions to problems you don’t have when your small, and it can be very easy to feel like you need to adopt all of them. Hint: you don’t.



> We solved the test flakiness issue by getting rid of all of our frontend tests, which means we spend more time manually testing our product.

This is a terrible idea. Getting rid of testing doesn't make the problem (flakiness) go away, it just moves it to another part of workflow (manually testing). So, now instead of having tests, you have more humans (or because you're a small company, instead of building features which grow the company, you spend time manually testing and fixing regressions that your end users embarrassingly find for you). Never mind that it just doesn't scale as your codebase increases.

Even a basic level of (snapshot) testing react components is not difficult. I wrote a library [1] that intentionally has a ton of tests and over the years, I've been able to do new releases that upgrade to new versions of the underlying dependencies, without worry.

Seriously, write tests for the frontend.
