This is a matter of opinion.

I wrote a set of React components that gets 46,000 npm downloads a month and typescript is a godsend. My library is a bridge between two heavily popular projects, so my dependency tree is fairly intertwined. The library solves a real user problem and does it efficiently. It isn't totally perfect, but it covers 98% of the use cases.

I wrote comprehensive tests as I developed everything. I have good documentation. I have an example app people can play with. I have codesandboxes. Yes, it was a lot of work, but that's what building products is all about.

I've maintained this library for over 3 years now. I've upgraded it many times as the underlying dependencies have changed. A few times with backwards incompatible changes. I get outside contributors doing great work.

I do releases on a regular basis, without worry, because my test suite is that good and because I know that if the underlying types change, tsc will catch that too. These things have saved me countless hours of work finding bugs and fixing issues.

In other words, I call bullshit on this entire blog post. Ignore it. Typescript is the correct solution. What is the alternative? Just using JS and letting things break without knowing it? Come on.

Learn how to use types. Learn how to use a professional IDE, like IDEA, that shows you what's wrong as you develop. Learn how to write tests. Learn how to use a debugger. These are all things any decent developer should know and practice on a regular basis.