
Clojure is one of the few modern languages (someone please point out the others!) that you can use on top of any major platform:

* web, via Clojurescript

* mobile, via React Native

* JVM server-side, via reg' ol' Clojure

* .NET, via Clojure CLR

* microcontrollers, via https://ferret-lang.org/ (seems dead, tho)

and now Dart. Of course, being a hosted language has its own pros/cons, but it's truly impressive that a language has such comprehensive breadth.

You can literally share code between your Arduino project, REST backend, and HTML/CSS/JS frotend.

Thanks to babashka also for command line tools and other use-cases (serverless?) where startup time matters:


There's also NBB (Node Babashka) also by borkdude, which could also be a good option for serverless.
