
I'm author of https://enlinko.com/ game, published it 24 days ago:


Domain for this game has been created 9 days ago. So, i think someone was heavily inspired by my idea.

I understand that anyone can make game with same idea, but i'm bit sad that Enlinko haven't got such traction on HN as this game.

Great idea for a game!

A question I ran into while playing your game is why it says "Amazon" and "Prime" are only 3% related? That seems very surprising.

I'm using those vectors, which latest version is from 2019:


I guess data used for making those vectors doesn't contain many occurrences of those two words in relation.

Anyway, that's downside of word vectors idea. There always will be some words which we human will consider more or less related than word vectors.

I've tried finding best one. It's different what Semantle uses (word2vec from Google) and different what Contexto uses (Glove). But still there are probably many word pairs which could match better.