this is hardly a new attack when GPS trackers existed before

And AirTags even alert those (iPhone users) being tracked so they are even less practical

Except for the folks who aren't iPhone users, which is the majority of people.

Apple released an app for Android users to alert them if an AirTag is “following” them:

That app requires you to click a button every time you think you're being followed. Then it'll scan and report any results.

It won't warn you of an AirTag someone attached to your car, unless you make it a habit to constantly press "scan" all day.

AirGuard ( can do this for you, at the cost of battery life for having something scan for Bluetooth signals in the background all day. It's silly and honestly kind of sad that Apple's app doesn't provide this functionality.

Perhaps Google should add this functionality to Play Services. They already have an API capable of running Bluetooth background scans constantly in the form of the COVID contact tracing API, so the technology is nearly there already.