Is there a similar list for google?
I dont know most of this entries in the list, but I can name like 5 things google has "killed" that I actually liked. Iam still pissed they buried reader.
It was so easy that I could have thought of it myself. Thanks.
The "killed by microsoft" site looks like a rip off of the well known "killed by google" site. Id day that they really try to push fake controversy and extend the list e.g. Microsoft Edge just switched its technology and still exists. is not a fork, but it has many of the commits from
The earliest commits from fabianoriccardi include git messages like: > replacing "Google" with "Microsoft", removed PressCoverage
Anyway, great code recycling at least right? It's a fun thought that the author of killedbygoogle ultimately wrote most of the code on killed-by-microsoft.
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