"Is progress in SAT solving the sole result of hardware advancement? Time Leap Challenge compared 20-year-old SAT solvers on new computer hardware and modern SAT solvers on 20-year-old computer hardware. Although hardware improvements make old solvers faster, algorithmic progress dominates and drives today's SAT solving."*

Pretty cool given computing progress over the last 20 years:

  1. CPUs sped up 40-60x
  2. GPU FLOPS/$ increased ~10,000x


  1. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/year-on-year.html
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLOPS#Hardware_costs
*Quote shortened for brevity

And yet, despite tremendous progress accelerating continuous optimization workloads, there are still no competitive GPU-based SAT solvers. I wonder why?

It's not just GPU. There are not even good multicore SAT solvers. State of the art SAT algorithms are serial and they don't parallelize.

ManySAT: http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/~jabbour/manysat.htm

It shares short conflict clauses between parallel solvers and achieves superlinear speedup in some cases, e.g., 4 parallel solvers solve faster than one forth of the single solver soolution time.

Short conflict clauses are rare so there is little communication between solvers required.

CryptoMiniSAT: https://github.com/msoos/cryptominisat

Author's goal to have solver that is good in computing range from single CPU up to cluster. Judging from CryptoMiniSAT successes, he has mostly reached the goal.