Just to be clear, because this confused me at first:

- GCC recently switched from building their own code as C, to building as C++. At the moment they only use the subset of C++ which is C, but this affects compiler behaviour.

- People complained that C++ programs couldn't be compiled as efficiently as C programs, and this would make things slower.

- This post shows that compiling GCC as C, versus C++, does not result in an appreciable performance change. He benchmarks this by building the kernel using both versions of GCC.

Most of C++ devs think that C is part of C++. Even in this document it is stated something like: C subset of C++ vs C. Why? Because current C is not subset of C++, C++ is compatible with C89 or C90.

This can look like nitpicking, but it's really annoying to again and again hear such things from mouth of C++ gurus.

Now give it to me ;-)