Reposts are fine after a year or so (this is in the FAQ: and it's good to have the perennials reappear from time to time as the newer cohorts of users don't know about them yet.

Related past threads... others? is gone - - April 2022 (143 comments, including from clay_shirky - perhaps he'll show up in this one too!)

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy (2003) - - July 2021 (61 comments)

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy (2003) [pdf] - - July 2020 (14 comments)

LambdaMOO takes a new direction (1992) - - March 2020 (29 comments)

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - - June 2017 (1 comment)

The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat (1990) - - Sept 2014 (10 comments)

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - - June 2012 (2 comments)

Shirky: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - - Sept 2011 (15 comments)

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - - Sept 2011 (8 comments)

Ask YC: forums still a viable format (group-enemy problem)? - - Nov 2009 (6 comments)

Clay Shirky: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - Social Software Design - - Feb 2009 (13 comments)

A group is its own worst enemy... - - Feb 2008 (1 comment)

Shirky: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy - - May 2007 (1 comment)

A Group is its Own Worst Enemy - Social Software Design - - March 2007 (3 comments)

Have you considered adding some notes to the guidelines based on articles like this? It talks about group-forming habits that on HN I'd imagine you want people alert to and then avoiding.

I'd be interested in adding anything that is (a) important and (b) not derivable from the guidelines that are already there. But I don't know what that would be. Suggestions are welcome!

Some suggestions:

1. There is a lot of stuff in the HN Undocumented norms repo[0] that would be potentially good candidates.

2. Clear up some of the oft repeated norms around disagreement and downvotes. Downvotes in general (when do you get access to the downvote, what they are for, why there are no submission downvotes, etc).

3. Information about posting: reposting, file types (since only pdfs and videos are mentioned explicitly), pay walls. Add a note about year tags.

4. Info about why titles are sometimes changed automatically (since this is often confusing to people).

5. An explicit call out that bots and entirely (or almost entirely) generated comments are banned, with allowances for comments with substantial human contribution quoting eg ChatGPT output.
