I've been looking for a practical OT alternative for our online word processor (https://zoho.com/writer). We already use OT for syncing our realtime edits and exploring CRDTs targetting stronger consistency for tackling offline edits (which are typically huge & defragmented, since the edits are not syncing in realtime)

So the baseline is that OT has a better model for holding state in terms of performance/memory, since the edits can be compiled into plain string types. CRDTs in comparison forces us to hold deleted states as well and demands richer information per unit (character/string/etc) - which makes it harder on the CPU/RAM.

Here's the story as I understand:

1. Automerge tackles this by just moving to a better lower-level runtime: Rust.

2. Yjs handles this by using a similar technique i.e relying on V8's hidden classes to handle the performance optimizations and assuming real-world cases to narrow down and optimize datastructures.

But none of these, seem to be a fundamental breakthrough in the efficiency of the algorithm itself. They all at best look like a workaround and this keeps bothering me.

I know that it is hard to comprehend why modern CRDT implementations are fast. But the data confirms that they work great. OT seems to be much simpler, but there are real advantages in using CRDTs. The performance problems have been solved through an efficient representation of the CRDT model.

The gist of the below [1] read is that it is impossible for a human to create a document that Yjs can't handle (even in the worst case scenario). But yes, it handles real-world scenarios particularily well.

The concept of "hidden classes" is super old. It has first been implemented in a fork of smalltalk and then became foundational concept of runtime engines for scripting languages. It is implemented in V8, python, ruby, spidermonkey, ..

Yjs does not assume a "real-world scenario" and it is not optimized for any specific runtime engine. It runs fast in any browser. The benchmarks confirm this. [2]

Yjs is being used in practice by several companies (eg Nimbus Notes with >3 million users) for quite some time now. I'm not aware of any performance problems.

[1]: https://blog.kevinjahns.de/are-crdts-suitable-for-shared-edi... [2]: https://github.com/dmonad/crdt-benchmarks