My "real" advice for impatient programmers: just start programming, and every time you encounter a problem google it.

Don't know how to setup node.js? Google should lead you to `npm init` or a starter. Getting some weird syntax error? Google it. Once you learn the basics, want to do X? Google it and determine a) how to do X, or b) if X can't be done / is bad practice.

Just by diving head-first into whatever you're trying to accomplish (or a toy project if you just want to learn), eventually you'll start to get the hand of syntax, libraries, and general programming style. But read articles every once in a while on best practices so you aren't learning the "wrong" way to do things.

The big drawback is that there are a lot of Google results that are outdated, novice, or flat-out wrong. You have to really learn how to do research on the internet. But this is a skill you should learn because you can apply it to anything. My general advice: consult official docs whenever possible; Stack Overflow is reliable but check the answer's comments to see if it's outdated; use Reddit to compare X vs. Y; try to avoid long wordy articles on bloated sites, generally the better the writer = the better the article and more likely it's accurate.

I always found this way too clumsy, because you learn X but accidentally miss Y, and X becomes your tool of choice at places where it doesn’t really fits best or at all.

Javascript traditionally had NO good language guides, and this one looks pretty like the one you should read in advance. Other resources are either more library reference-like, very situative or for unclear standard, not exhaustive, or just stupid and wrong. I’ve read a language guide A to Z for every PL I used in my life (a bunch), and can say by skimming through few rough/key topics that it is definitely a good one. No offense, but my advice is to not apply your advice when there is a good guide. You’ll save both your own time and the one’s who will come after.

yes, there are a lot of half baked guides and blog posts out there about JS. there are a couple which are really good: - explains good ES6 practices which goes in depth in the messy core of the language.

nowadays I usually refer to MDN docs and one of the guides like above when guidance is needed.