It's a bit context dependent. Generally prefer tools that allow running multiple tests in parallel because I hate waiting. Unfortunately I'm a few years out of date on JavaScript testing frameworks so I'll abstain from naming specific tools. If it's easy to switch between test frameworks and there's no big differentiating features I would try em all out and use whichever runs fastest.
I think Test Anything Protocol [0] [1] is neat. Anything that takes inspiration from TAP is probably gonna be mostly structurally similar anyway.
It's easier to point out things I dislike in a testing framework. In general, anything that gets too fancy or magical, or assertion frameworks with lots of object chaining to read like natural language.
It has a TAP reporter, but more importantly, as opposed to the more popular solutions, like Jest, the way it achieves parallelism is explained in the docs and won't change anytime soon, thus preventing wonky, hard to debug errors which occur when this part is abstracted away.