Installation with yay/crate can be slow. This small tool took 4 minutes of compile time, the Rust crates seem to be very fine granular (like node.js vor example) and require much compile time. 204 crates needed to be compiled.

I found that, using yay or another aur helper on arch linux, having a few rust utilities installed that have regular updates, significantly slows down the average system upgrade time. I tend to avoid Rust programs for that reason.

That's the nature of these spare time one (wo)man side projects: packaging a piece of software for a wide variety of distributions and platforms is tedious and boring, so unless there's a large community (or money) involved, you have to compile it from source.

Of course, you can always package your favourite utility for your favourite distribution. I'm sure the author would be thrilled to endorse your package in the Readme.

Note also that Rust can compile to portable static binaries. This tool is available as such from the releases page on GH (it's in the readme)

How is that musl based binary built ? I saw the repositories travis configuration and wasn't able to find anything relevant.

The simplest way is to pass the —target flag with the musl target; that should work unless you’re also including C code, and then it may Just Work or may need you to do something special.

I've been using `nethogs` for this for a long time, and it is already in most Linux repos and can be installed quickly.