Off topic nitpick: I wish Python stopped being added to these kinds of performance lists. Python isn't a poor tool for those kinds of problems, it's the wrong tool. And I don't mean, "oops you locked yourself into the wrong language." I mean that valid Python is Python that calls into a language like C or Rust when there's performance needs. Numpy and Scipy are, I'm going to bet, mostly C.

Imagine I did a comparison of the fastest way to cut a board lengthwise. And my comparison was using a table saw, a jigsaw, a circular saw, and a planer. Actually, that sounds dumb enough that I kind of want to do that. All the worst ways to rip a board.

> Numpy and Scipy are, I'm going to bet, mostly C.

You'd be surprised; About 25% of SciPy (much of the numerical computing portions) are in FORTRAN. It turns out that decades of compiler/numerical computing research has made the FORTRAN compiler generate numerical code which runs faster than GCC/Clang today.