Immutability is very helpful, and the connection between values and identity is illuminating.

But there have been very important developments in programming languages since this post/page was written: notably, the introduction of "borrow checking" (exemplified by Rust's implementation). Borrow checking has a very significant positive effect on the sustainability of imperative code, which makes the claim that "imperative programming is founded on an unsustainable premise" feel dated.

It is worth taking the time to understand what borrow checking enables. For example: borrow checking allows even mutable datastructures to be treated as values with structural equality. It does this by guaranteeing that unless you have exclusive access to something, it may not be mutated.

A good explanation of the benefits of ownership and borrow checking:

The borrow checker comes with different trade-offs though, which I personally find, for many applications, the immutable data-structure + atomic references with GC route (or values over time semantics) is a better fit.

The way you are forced to model things so that the borrow checker can successfully validate your code can often be frustrating, and it also comes at the cost of slow compile times and interactive programming, which Clojure is kind of a champion at, so I'm not sure it would be a good fit to add a borrow checker to it.

I love the borrow checker for manually managed memory though, and for programs that need that kind of performance and tight memory usage, it is great. I've been following along the development of Carp because of that and my preference of Lisps: