Clojure is by far the best programming language I've ever used. Rich Hickey's Sermons On The Mount changed the game of programming once and for all. With Clojure you could finally have your Lisp cake and eat it. Witness the sheer chutzpah of the guy when he basically told Ruby devs they were doing it wrong at Rails Conf in 2012 (

It's a lot of fun but as projects got larger and larger for me (thousands of lines, or even tens of thousands), I found the dynamic typing taking up more and more of my time. I've since moved on to statically typed systems where the compiler takes a big load off the cognitive requirements of maintaining and debugging software.

How long have you been programming professionally?

Did you have prior experience with dynamic languages? If so, how much?

Did you have prior experience with statically typed languages? If so, how much?

I'm trying to see if Clojure requires more fundamental programming intuition and experience to sustain in large projects. I work with tens of thousands of Clojure LOC, I don't feel these issues and can't relate, and love Clojure, so I'm curious to understand what context it best applies too. I wouldn't want to force it on a team that wouldn't benefit from it, so I'm interested about learning these aspects, so I'm able to recognize in what context it would make sense for me to influence a team to adopt it or not.


12ish years (more as student & hobbyist), lots (mainly python, javascript and clojure), lots (mainly Java and C++, sadly inly got to tinker with better type systems). I consider myself a clojure developer and have been using it on and off since summer 09. Im using it for a large project now.

And yet... I agree with GP. I love clojure, but over time I’m becoming less and less sold as dynamic typing. Spec helps, a little. Property-based generative tests (especially when used with spec) helps a little too. Neither are a replacement for proper static types, though, especially an ML-esque type system with type inference. Bonus points if spec validation could pass type data to the compiler/type inference (eg the code path after validation can assume that the data is of the the types described in the spec).

I dream of a statically typed Clojure with type inference, spec-inferred types and optional dynamic typing for REPL experimentation and glue code.

Very interesting, and thanks for answering.

Could I ask what kind of project it is? I wonder if I'm just lucky that Clojure fits perfectly my use case, which is mostly a set of distributed systems of all kinds. So while as a whole there's tens of thousands of LOC. The components have very strong boundaries being as it's a set of services assembled together through RPC, PubSubs and DBs. Maybe that alleviate the lack of a static type checker.

We've adopted Clojure about 3 years ago, team of 10. We've had a few people leave and join throughout. Only one person knew Clojure beforehand. Our stack is about 50% Clojure, 40% Java and 10% Scala. Of all three, Clojure has given us the least issues, has been pretty easy to maintain and generally has fewer defects. Java tend to have the most bugs, almost always related to some shared state. Scala I find the hardest to extend and maintain, but the code base we have for it I think does Scala wrong, it's like the worst mix of OOP and FP.

> I dream of a statically typed Clojure with type inference, spec-inferred types and optional dynamic typing for REPL experimentation and glue code

That's pretty much exactly core.typed:

That said, the project never managed to get more contributors.

If you're looking for a typed Lisp, I've been keeping my eyes out on Carp: