I just want to thank the author for not using Medium.
Far too many tech blog posts use that platform now and I don't like it very at all as it feels really bloated and I can never be sure if what I'm about to click is a 'premium' Medium post or not.
Been enjoying the Make Medium Readable Again (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/make-medium-readab...) plugin. Removes all the clutter from the page, you won't even know you are on Medium!
Alternatively if you have uBlock and are scared of one-off extensions, you can add this generic modal filter[0] list from the webannoyances repo.
I found this by searching "modal" on filterlists.com and clicking the subscribe button. IMO there should be a Medium-specific one like they have for stackoverflow or youtube.
I cannot personally vouch if the modal filters are overzealous. I'd rather avoid Medium than putting up with this sort of thing.
[0] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yourduskquibbles/webannoya...