This is really cool, I would love to program my fleet of ESP8266s with anything but C. And I’ve been passively interested in using Lisp for many years. Using Lisp for my program as glue for the normal ESP C libraries would be awesome. I’ve read the documentation of uLisp a bit, two main questions remain:

1. What’s the workflow? REPL for development is super cool, but how do I persist my programs? How does »flash this code onto the microcontroller« work?

2. How can I interface with the large amount of C libraries out there? For example, uLisp does not provide an OTA library (for updating the software over Wifi), or one for MQTT. I don’t want to rewrite those myself, so how do I call existing C from uLisp?

Another commenter already mentioned Gambit Scheme. That provides for inline C and therefore very easy interop with external libraries. It still has a runtime and GC though - those might pose a problem depending on your platform and task.

Ferret ( and Carp ( are both Lisp-like low level languages. Both seem to be fairly experimental in nature though.

> anything but C

Taking you literally, Rust and D can both compile for bare metal. D in particular has a "Better C" subset. (

In the same vein, Terra is a C like language (manual memory management) that you metaprogram with Lua. (

Taking you very literally, Forth is also an option.