I think Lisp is wonderful, and I would love to develop games using Lisp. However, I was under the impression that, by all accounts, developing games in Lisp is completely unrealistic due to the garbage collector.

I'm not familiar with Common Lisp, but in Racket, “GC pauses [...] typically run from 50ms to 100ms” [0]. On a 16ms maximum frame budget, that doesn't really work. Am I missing something?

[0]: https://docs.racket-lang.org/portaudio/index.html#%28part._....

EDIT: I'm aware of GOAL at Naughty Dog — Andy Gavin who wrote it described the GC as being a problem in a HN comment. [1]

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1998321

There’s a lisp-like language without a GC called Carp [1]. I believe the goal was enabling real time applications and specifically games. I’ve only toyed with it a tiny bit, but it has an ownership memory model inspired by Rust. Pretty neat project!

[1] https://github.com/carp-lang/Carp