I have my own blog on DigitalOcean using Jekyll. Can't be more easy to do and mantain.

> Can't be more easy to do and mantain.

Sure it can.

- Github pages

- Netlify

- Zeit

All free for static sites; all easy to set up a continuous deployment pipeline for.

I’ve been on Netlify for a while and it’s great at what it does.

I recently went back to Digital Ocean for my side project because of what Netlify currently doesn’t have: DNSSEC, HTTP/2 push and prioritization. ECC certificates from Let’s Encrypt.

Why do you want ECC specifically? Isn't that an implementation detail?

From a performance point of view, ECC certs are significantly smaller than RSA certs at a comparable level of security.

Smaller certs translate to fewer bytes going over the wire when doing TLS handshakes, reducing latency.

But it was really their lack of HTTP/2 push support and how their CDNs don't support H2 prioritization correctly[1] which annoyed me to the point of going back to Digital Ocean and running my own instance of H2o where I have full control.[2]

1. https://github.com/andydavies/http2-prioritization-issues

2. https://h2o.examp1e.net/configure/http2_directives.html#http...