Wow, I had no idea this was happening! You can still back it and apparently get Magit stickers.

Magit is so good that it's actually a reason to use Emacs in the first place.

Org mode is the other reason.

Personally, I find that Helm is the third (although I'm aware it might not be a popular opinion).

If you like Helm, check out Ivy, Counsel, and Swiper.[1] They do many of the things that Helm does, but are a lot faster, less buggy, and have a less unorthodox UI.

Also check out Hydra (by the same author).[2] That's really revolutionized my Emacs experience recently. It's customizable menu system you can add anywhere. I've put all those Emacs functions I keep forgetting exist in to it and now they're all at my fingertips.

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> I've put all those Emacs functions I keep forgetting exist in to it and now they're all at my fingertips.

Can you share some of that? I've been meaning to get into Hydra, and would gladly look at some configs.

Hydra itself actually has a ton of really good examples here: [1]

But really the best place to start is with the hydra docs: [2] which not only has examples but detailed explanations of them too.

Regarding my own hydras, they're not quite ready for prime time. But when they are, I'll be posting them to r/emacs.[3] In the meantime, you can search there for hydras too: [4]

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