See also rant[1] of sixel-tmux author.

> It's 2021, and we should be able to do litterate programming in the console, with full graphical support.

Yeah. We are stuck cosplaying computers from the sixties.

What's even funnier, even if you find a modern terminal emulator that supports features like ligatures, graphics, emoji etc. you still will be blocked by tmux. Sure - not everyone needs tmux. If you never work on remote machines, you can live without it.

But I work on remote machines all the time. I also use Kakoune text editor that defers window management to external tools (WM or tmux, but to be honest, tmux is much better). Zellij is more of r/unixporn bait than usable tool for now. So I'm stuck with text only interface.


I simply open multiple ssh sessions if that’s what’s needed. My terminal can then natively do tabs, panes, ligatures, emojis etc. There’s no middleman.

So after all these years I still managed to not need tmux. Am I missing out? Everyone seems to be using it.

For me personally tmux giver minor improvements (some of them are done by some terminals, some are not), e.g.:

* Text selection using variuos shortcuts (usually I use it only for URL):

* FZF autocompletion from output, e.g. in case I want to diff some file I see changed in `git status`: