Well done, I too am building a desktop app in Go, I couldn't find a decent GUI library and just resorted to packing a webserver & static files into my program instead. For the time being anyway, still looking for Gui options. Figured I could make a creative html/css UI instead of figuring out how to create a GUI. I'd like to mess with Qt but the GUI builder is with their paid licensing iirc i think, but it seems to be the only cross-platform solution afaik
> I'd like to mess with Qt but the GUI builder is with their paid licensing iirc i think, but it seems to be the only cross-platform solution afaik
{apt, brew cask, choco} install qtcreator
it's entirely free & open-source. there is Qt Designer Studio which adds a couple of convenience functionalities if you are making e.g. embedded appliance dashboards but for 100% of desktop UIs you have everything needed in the LGPL qtcreatorThanks for mentioning, absolute game changer for me. I'm now using qtcreator with Go bindings: https://github.com/therecipe/qt
The multi-arch & especially Android deployment feature is exactly what I needed, I can skip using Android-Studio/HTML as UI now