This is garbage, why is it being voted up?

Rails is not bloated it's modular and quite simple if you understand ruby and can read - look at the source. That said his to address his _complaints_:

* Rspec / Testing is slow as it has to reinitialize a whole rails stack every time it runs - run it async smartass it's what you're preaching, use inotify or fsevent with watchr or guard.

* Bundle exec for Gemfile changes? This guy is inept.. async yet again with inotfiy / fsevent

* HTML5 - It's a server side framework, if you want HTML5 you do it in the markup or the included coffeescript pipeline, why not pure coffeescript / javascript? because I value my time and sanity over the new hotness

> Rails is not bloated it's modular and quite simple if you understand ruby and can read - look at the source.

You've got to be kidding. The Routing has got to be the canonical example of bloated and confusing code.

Is inotify/fsevent built into the "full stack" framework? No?

"Hey guys, I wrote/found/whatever this code to solve a problem that another bit of code I chose to use caused for my development. Oh BTW you're a complete tool if you aren't already doing the same."

You must be awful proud of that Yak.

Confusing? you map resources to URL's it's confusing if you are inept. Inotify / fsevent and such aren't built into rails just as they aren't in _EVERY OTHER FRAMEWORK_ because it's complete voodoo to make side effects of editing a file default.

> you map resources to URL's it's confusing if you are inept.

Inept? Kids these days. Forking my code then calling me inept. It's precious is what it is.

But you're moving the goal-posts. You said read the source. Since you're clearly unfamiliar with it, here's a couple handy links to the Routing code I mentioned.

> it's complete voodoo to make side effects of editing a file default

You seem to be under the impression Rails doesn't have any facilities to reload files after modification.