Sorry for the off-topic.

This whole NFT debacle would be fun for me if it didn't cost me a dear friend; he's been working full-time on his "collection" for almost two years now, convinced he's "just around the corner of making millions" out of it when it's obvious the ship has long sailed. I guess there's more to it than just NFT craze, and he's probably struggling with other things, but his new "know-it-all NFT bro" persona makes it impossible to even approach him with a normal conversation.

Weird rant, I know. I simply don't know what to do anymore.

Crypto, and now AI, are likely the great differentiators between those who seek get rich schemes and those who lever up humanity through innovation, hard work and grit.

If I had the ability to migrate to another planet, the last thing I’d take with me would be an NFT image of some stupid primate.

Are we still doing “AI is the new crypto” here? I’d like to think that we’ve moved past this by now.

Crypto is useful. A very long time ago there was a conversation about killer use cases. People on the ethereum side of the room thought programmable chains were it. People on the Bitcoin side said it was micropayments and script based post dating.

I said that it was likely paying for compute resources that would be a killer use case. Implementing 402s would be that manifest:

Now we’re moving deep into the AI markets, this will be a thing, combining both.

That said, con artists will still try to hustle others.