I love Lisp and Scheme and all their relatives (Clojure, Logo, Racket, etc.). However, the fact of the matter is, Common Lisp has not kept up with modern developments in terms of presenting a cohesive ecosystem with forward momentum. Everybody is off on their own doing their own thing with no shared goals or cohesion.

Clojure seems to have this (I have not used Clojure much, so I don't really know). Elixir definitely has this. I think Elixir is the language ecosystem to look at in terms of having a solidified core language that is essentially done, and now the goal is to continue to flesh out the ecosystem with things like Nx, Axon, Livebook, Liveview, Mix improvements, Phoenix, etc. Elixir is pretty similar to Lisp/Scheme anyway given its macros, ability to live update, dynamically typed programming, but it goes well beyond any Lisp/Scheme (and many modern languages) in terms of having a practical but expansive ecosystem with a strong set of idiomatic conventions.

mmh Elixir definitely has its gems and I need to try it for real. Where I can see it's lacking: no compile-time type warnings (unless you're using a new language on top or using a third-party library, but then we should compare more thoroughly), no compilation with a keystroke function per function. No static executable (even though deployment options are getting better in Elixir (we had to wait though)). Some compilation times, when you change one file and Elixir needs to compile a dozen. We are not inside a live image. I tried Alchemist mode for Emacs: no function signature? No "eval this expression"? Can you switch projects from inside a REPL, or you have to start a new one? No cross-reference capacities built-in? (who calls this function, this macro, who sets, etc) No inspect? No trace? No interactive debugger and no stepper? If only available with LSP and VSCode, then it's strictly inferior. Elixir is less performant in crunching numbers. Less to no GUI framework choice (WxWidgets). No industry-grade theorem prover? (ACL2) Unfit for quantum computing? Unable to program Intel chips? (Barefoot Networks) No computer algebra system? No music composition suite (Opus Modus)?

CL's ecosystem might be better than one thinks: https://github.com/CodyReichert/awesome-cl & https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp...