I think the name Jarvis is taken by a company, started two years ago who do copywriting, who have tens of thousands of users, might want to look in case it's violating some trademark

That company changed their name because Marvel lawyers knocked on their door:

> Today marks an exciting moment in our company's history; we've chosen (at gunpoint) to rebrand the company from Jarvis to Jasper...


> That company changed their name because Marvel lawyers knocked on their door

Well, I guess that relieves the problem for the new “Jarvis” since the last one changed its name to something else, right?

You are all correct and this is something on our radar. We are considering changing the name to avoid any confusion.

Microsoft also seems to be using the "Jarvis" name in this repo https://github.com/microsoft/JARVIS, so it is not just the famous Iron Man series. Not sure how this will all play out.