Absurdly fascinating. I should probably stop reloading the site now!
Also is there a reason why on HN this domain just shows itself as "pages.dev"? That's the root of Cloudflare Pages, so probably best to also show the subdomain for it like HN does for github.io
I wonder if its an out of date public suffix list? Thats how I'd decide when to show a subdomain. pages.dev was added a few years back:
The people responsible for the PSL existing would like everybody to stop inventing more uses for it. That is, this is clearly a terrible idea but it is better than nothing, so here it is, but please invent something that's not a terrible idea.
Are you sure? Looking at their website[1] I see:
> Highlight the most important part of a domain name in the user interface
Which is my suggestion above.
> If you are using it for something else, you are encouraged to tell us, because it helps us to assess the potential impact of changes
Which sounds cautiously supportive of additional use cases.
It's definitely possible that Ryan would consider using this for HN a reasonable choice, because it's mostly cosmetic, but in general you should just not add more dependencies.